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Office Assistant – Certificate


Office Assistant


Description of program. This can be multiple paragraphs if necessary.

What You Can Do

Positions as an office assistant or a general office clerk are available in almost every area of the economy. Those industries employing the largest number include local government, general medical and surgical hospitals, elementary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, professional schools, and employment services.


Earning Potential

View the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook for Secretaries and Administrative Assistants at Secretaries and Administrative Assistants : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (

Modes of Instruction
Learn more about the modes of instruction offered at John A. Logan College.

Program Details

00BUS 0016


OFT 116Keyboarding I13
OFT 135Office Language Skills3
OFT 207Computer Applications for Business3


ENG 101English Composition3
OFT 237Office Procedures3
MAT 113Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics2 OR MAT 112
OR BUS 111 Business Mathematics2
COM 115Speech2 OR COM 116 Interpersonal Communication3

Total Hours for Degree21

The Office Assistant Certificate is a minimum of 21 credit hours. Please use our Tuition and Fees page to calculate your approximate cost.

*Students will be responsible for additional classroom materials and tools.

Official John A. Logan Bookstore Apparel, Merchandise & Gifts

Program learning outcomes information.

[Department] Faculty Contact. Example: Automotive Faculty Contact

Avatar placeholder for profile picture

Faculty Name and any additional degree information. Example: Joe Smith, MBA

Position. Example: Associate Professor – Auto Collision Technology

Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext.

  1. Proficiency exam is available for OFT 116 (requiring a production test as well as 40 wpm with no more than three errors on a three-minute straight-copy timing) for students entering the program with a sound background in keyboarding. See your advisor or the chairperson of the Business Education Department for information. ↩︎
  2. Students pursuing the Health Care Management Capstone Option at SIUC or a baccalaureate degree at another institution should take MAT 113 or MAT 112 and COM 115. ↩︎