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Dual Credit / Early College
What is Dual Credit and Early College?
Early College students are enrolled in a- public high school, private high school, or home school, and also attend John A. Logan College (JALC). These students receive college credit for their JALC courses, and may or may not receive credit at their high school. Please contact your high school counselor for more information about potential high school credit.
Dual Credit is earned by students as high school credit and JALC credit at the same time. A student can receive dual credit in a JALC class that is:
Taught at a high school by a college qualified high school instructor
Taught at a high school by a JALC instructor
Taught at a JALC instruction site during the school day with high school and college students (approved by an agreement with the high school)
What are the benefits of Dual Credit and Early College?
Students taking Dual Credit and Early College courses are known to gain:
An easier transition from high school to college
A greater likelihood of completing their college degrees
Cost savings for students and families
Real experience in the expectations of college-level work
Enhanced skills required in college success such as time management, critical thinking, and study skills