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Student Success Center

Student Success Center

Feb 17
Presidents Day Holiday-No Classes
Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes

Personal Counseling

Request Counseling Appointment

Students come to counseling for a wide variety of concerns. The John A. Logan Community College Counselor supports the psychological well-being of our community and services are available at no cost to currently enrolled JALC students. In counseling, you will receive support and find a place to talk about your feelings as you navigate your academic and personal experiences.

If you are not sure whether counseling can help, make an appointment for an initial consultation to learn more. There’s no obligation to continue after the first appointment.  You may need only one appointment or you may set up an reoccurring series of appointments throughout the semester. 

We encourage you to use our services even if you think your problems are “not that serious.” Because early intervention can lead to quicker resolution, it is better to use our services before a concern becomes severe. We are equipped to help with difficult situations and short-term challenges you may experience, as well as with more serious and long-standing issues.

Wellness means more than simply physical health. But all too often, life forces us to put our own mental health on the back burner. Our counseling services give you the opportunity to slow down and focus on your mental health, all with the help of our trained counselors.

Personal Counseling

Needing help is normal.  We know it may be hard to ask, but if you do, you’ll be met with a counselor who can help you through personal issues that may be getting in the way of college success, including:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Academic Goal setting/Motivational skills
  • Family or relationship issues
  • Suicide prevention and awareness resources
  • Job preparation/interview skills

Contact us at or 618-985-2828 Extension 8030.  Please feel free to stop by the counseling office at C219B to set up an appointment with the JALC counselor or to get more information. If you are experiencing an immediate crisis, please come to the counseling office or contact the Student Success Center.  Crisis services are designed so that students in need will be seen immediately or within a relatively short time between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM on days the campus is open.

For situations arising outside of the stated available times for personal counseling, students are encouraged to contact resources from the list below that apply to their situation and then follow up with a crisis counselor at the first available time:

Emergency Services: Call 911


Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-TALK(8255)
Veterans’ Crisis Line1-800-273-TALK(8255)
National Hopeline Network1-800-SUICIDE(784-2433)
GLBTQ Nat’l Help Center1-888-THE-GLNH(843-4564)
Child Abuse & Neglect1-800-25A-BUSE(252-2873)
Substance Abuse Helpline1-800-662-HELP(4357)
Illinois Poison Control1-800-222-1222
National Domestic Violence1-800-799-7233
Carbondale Women’s Center618-529-2324

(Area Code = 618)

JALC Campus Police985-5550
Carterville Police985-4853
Marion Police993-2124
Williamson County Sheriff997-6541
Carbondale Police457-3200
Murphysboro Police684-2121
Jackson County Sheriff684-2177
Heartland Regional Hospital998-7000
Memorial Hospital of Carbondale549-0721
St. Joseph Memorial Hospital684-3156
Franklin-Williamson Health Dept.993-8111
Jackson County Health Dept.684-3143
Pregnancy Matters549-2794
Williamson Co. Family Crisis Center988-8020