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Allied Health and Public Service

Allied Health and Public Service

Sep 2
(Labor Day) - No Classes
Nov 11
(Veteran's Day) - No Classes
Nov 25 to Nov 30
(Thanksgiving Break) - No Classes
Dec 25
(Christmas Day) - No Classes
Jan 1
(New Year's Day) - No Classes

ASL Deaf Studies Program

JALC ASL Deaf Studies/IPP FAQ’s

We currently have three programs: ASL Deaf Studies Certificate, ASL Deaf Studies AAS Degree, and ASL Interpreter Preparation Program AAS Degree.  Which one you take is dependent upon your goals.

  1. ASL Deaf Studies Certificate. Four semesters (34 credit hours) are required to complete the certificate. During their course of study students learn the basics of American Sign Language grammar and structure as well as Deaf Culture. Many of the people who take this option have family members or coworkers who are Deaf and they want to learn enough to be able to communicate with them every day while also understanding the culture dynamics.  This certificate may also be helpful for those who are in a public service career.  Deaf people are part of the world at large, those who work in law enforcement, nursing, day care worker, teacher, etc may encounter a deaf consumer and benefit from the knowledge gained in the certificate program.
    ASL Deaf Studies Certificate Program Guide
  2. ASL Deaf Studies AAS has the same courses as the certificate plus 4 additional courses which focus on Deaf culture and language.  This is also a degree option which means it includes general education courses which are required to obtain the degree. This program of study requires the completion of 66 credit hours. People who usually take this option are those who plan to work with the deaf population in some capacity.  Someone may be interested in Psychology, Social Work, Education etc. and know they want to work with or will encounter the deaf community.  Students who take this option plan to continue their education by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in another field to which the deaf studies would be a compliment.  They may plan on becoming a teacher for the deaf or a social worker who primarily works with the deaf community.
    ASL Deaf Studies AAS Program Guide
  3. Interpreter Preparation Program is a degree program that prepares a student to take the state certification exam BEI or the educational exam EIPA.  In order to interpret meetings, doctor’s office, classroom, job interviews etc. the state requires the person to have a certification. This degree program prepares the student for entry level work in interpreting. While this is a 2-year degree, because of the intensive nature and hours of commitment, it is highly recommended to take the Deaf Studies program first (66 credit hours) and continue one more year ( 22 credit hours) to finish the interpreting components for the degree. Taking this option would take 3 years and you would obtain two degrees. While it is recommended to take the full three years, it is not required.
    Interpreter Preparation Program Guide

The faculty in the program have decided to take both programs concurrently is an overload and will not approve any overload courses in this program of courses.

Certificate- you will be able to communicate with your deaf family member, co-worker, boss. Have knowledge of the deaf community norms and values.

AAS ASL Deaf Studies – This degree is often used as a minor.  Because you will have learned ASL and deaf culture, you will be able to work with the deaf community, communicating directly.  This degree is used to enhance Special Education, Social Work, education, any profession which comes in contact with the public. However, keep in mind, you will NOT be able to interpret for the deaf person.

AAS Interpreting – In the state of Illinois, you must pass either the Board of Examiners for Interpreters (BEI) exam or the Educational Interpreters Proficiency Assessment (EIPA) exam. The AAS Interpreting degree prepares you for the exam.

Most of our students take the BEI exam.  You must take the intermediate exam before you can move on to the Advanced and Comprehensive exams.  Please see the following brochure which outlines specific jobs for each certification level.

New students start the ASL Deaf Studies/IPP program in the fall semester. However, you may take general education courses any semester.

While we would like to offer all the courses in the program in the day and evening, at this time we offer the full program as a day program; however, when the numbers permit, we try to offer ASL 1 and ASL 2 in the evening. You must check the schedule for each semester to find out if there is an evening section of the course.

At this time the we do not offer summer courses.

Classes are generally offered M-Th. There may be times you can try to work your schedule into 2 days per week, but it is not guaranteed.

At this time none of the American Sign Language courses are offered online. ASL 240, IPP 278, IPP 279 are the only courses offered online. IPP 151, IPP 249, IPP 250, IPP 222, and IPP 223 are sometimes offered as hybrid courses.

No. it is not required that you have any sign knowledge.

If it has been more than a year since you have had the course, you can interview with program staff to assess your skills.  The staff will suggest where they think you should be placed to be successful.  If you are considering a degree program with us, you must have earned a B or better in your previous courses to be considered.

One expectation that is required that students do not consider is their time! In our ASL courses you are expected to get deaf contact hours.  If you are in the interpreting program you will be expected to get approx. 200 field experience hours. This is done outside of classroom hours.  We also require all of our students to attend Deafest every year in April.

We currently use an online curriculum for our ASL courses called True Way ASL. After you have enrolled in courses you will be able to see the textbooks needed in your student portal. Also, we use a unique program called GoReact.  If you are taking ASL for foreign language, you may want to buy GoReact individually for each ASL course.  However, if you plan on entering either the certificate or degree programs, you may want to buy the 5-year access to GoReact.  It gives you access to GoReact for unlimited number of classes for 5 years. You can purchase access codes for GoReact and True Way ASL online or in the bookstore.

Keep in mind ASL is a visual language and some of our textbooks have DVD videos, or internet links to view material. Technology is a very integral part of our program. Having high speed internet and a computer at home is helpful. However, there are computers available at the school to use during certain hours. You may also be asked to provide a jump drive for storing your video recordings.

Currently in the southern Illinois area there is a shortage of interpreters for the education sector. Also, because we are a rural area and the deaf are spread out in various counties, if you are willing to travel, there is often work available in surrounding areas.

First you must apply to the college. There is no fee to apply to John A. Logan. Simply go to on the main page you will see a tab which says “APPLY NOW”. Just click the link and fill out the information. If you have had previous college courses that you want to transfer to John A. Logan, you must apply as a transfer student and make request from your previous college/university to send an official copy of your transcript to Logan. After your transcript has arrived, you must ask admissions to assess your transcript for the ASL Deaf Studies/IPP Program. You may also have to take an English and Math placement test.

In order to receive federal financial aid, you must fill out the FAFSA. You must go to to fill out the application.  Also contact our financial aid office here on campus for more information. (618) 985-2828 ext 8308.